Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Make Money Online: Marketing Success 101

On The Road To Success 101

Yes! The sweet sweet taste of success. Isn’t that what we want with our internet business? Hell with any business. So let’s embark upon success together.

Success Marketing 101

In my experience I have seen many people fail and quit because of the fear of failing again. Everyone who has not failed at something, raise your hand… Ok those who raised their hand are not human.
We all fail at things. That is how we learn to do things the right way.  So today we begin the long journey together, to master the art of making money online.

Let’s Begin!

Lesson 1. Setting up your Website.
Yes you need a website! You need a blog; you need something to be able to make a business work online. And for those of you who do not have a website or blog, I will provide you with a link to get one.
Go to to get a free blog
Go to to get a free limited blog
If you want to take it up a notch and really become a success online then Begin Here. You get a website with all of the tools you need to begin bringing in cash now.
And if you already have a website or blog and you are ready to advance and begin making money online, CLICK HERE

Ok, now that we have that established, I hope everyone has found their Niche. Your niche will be what the subject of you website or blog is. This needs to be something you are very interested in and knowledgeable about. You need to be very passionate about this. Because if you are not, you will not keep up with this, hence no money made.

Once you have found your niche, then you are ready to begin brainstorming ideas for the site.

·       How will you present your material
·       How will you site be set up (Templates will be discussed later.)
·       What audience will your site be projected towards

Just remember that this is the beginning so you don’t have to rush into things. Your site will be ready to be a success in no time. For now think of these things that are needed for your site, and come back later for more lessons!

Next Lessons:
Posting on your site
Getting your site noticed
Monetize your site
SEO and Social Networking
Affiliate Programs

Yes I just began to blow the dust off of the old books but for those that are as informative about Internet Marketing as a paparazzi agent for TMZ, please feel free to share. ;-)

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