Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blog Syndrome

If I didn't wake up thinking about blogging, I'm probably not as passionate about this as I say I am.

It is 6:07 am Eastern and I have been awake since 5 am. I only woke up because I have been sick for the last 5 days with Mono, ewe, but I couldn't think of anything else to do but post a blog. Thank goodness I had something to write about right? I cant stop thinking to myself, if I can get up early and do this like I am at work, then this is the job for me. I have a passion for sharing information with others.

Are you one of those people that are always presented with a problem? Either from a friend or even someone you barely know or family member? And its almost like they are drawn to you like you give off this vibe of energy that screams "I can help." I know every time someone comes to me with their problems, I always feel like I want to help them in every way possible. That is because I do not like to see anyone suffering or going through hard times. My personality is a Giver so you will often find me giving more then receiving. It just feels comfortable that way.

That is how I feel about blogging. I feel like if I have information to share that can genuinely help someone, with any problem, then I should share it. I want my readers to feel comfortable coming to me for anything. This is actually very good for business and status in the online community.

My advice to anyone that wants to start a blog or an online business is to make sure that you are doing it to help someone. Yes It can also help you, but if your not helping anyone else than your not doing anything.

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